(Should you kindly read part one first..?)
But, these all won't happen from nowhere. They need us to initiate the process. Like Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke once said, "we are not waiting for God but God is waiting for us" so we have to show the initiatives then he will be manifesting for us in each stage.
The following are some of things we must not ignore if we really want our generation to navigate from the natural systems to supernaturals.
this is the key thing to any humankind. As long as you are in the flesh you must pray. Look at Jesus Christ, he was God himself but as long as he wore the human flesh it made him to stay in prayers very longer. Jesus himself speaks to his desciples on the importance of prayers.
Luke.18.1 - And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
When you look the men and women who performed great things, you find the base of their ministries were in Prayers.
Look on the apostles of Jesus. Look on Paul he even writes to the Corinthians
1Cor.14.18 - I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all:
This is the area however any humankind must understand it well. Many people who had great ministries went to failures because they were decieved in this area. That's why the Bible speaks of praying in wrong way and right way. A person who prays in right way reaches the time where even he enjoys praying because, he recieves instructions (by seeing, hearing and by peace of Holy spirit) and even also sees the result.
When I once touched the book "God's Generals" by Robert Liardons I was so surprised when I read about general of God called John Alexander Dowie. When this man of God started ministry Plague entered his place and there were many burial ceremonies in his small church every week. It reached a point where he locked himself inside the church and prayed for a longer time for the situation till God revealed the Bible verse to him. From that point he araised and went out, at the same moment he met the case about somebody who had just passed away due to the same disease. Dowie went inside and by faith he prayed and that lady raised from the dead and from that moment no other person dead of the same disease. That was the starting point of his miraculous healing ministry.
You see, in prayers is where we get revelations. Is where we get to unacover the mistries of God and is where we get to read the mind of God at a particular season.
This is another critical thing if we want to navigate in supernaturals.
Through knowledge we get to discover who we are. We get to know the authority we have. We get to know what the Bible talks on any issue which exists in natural or supernatural world. You see the Bible? The whole Bible contains major three things which any believer should know. It contains Principles how to live etc. Secondly it contains promises of God to us and thirdly it contains prophesies about our life. So it has three P's.
The man who has invested much in knowledge of Christ, he won't be moved by situation, circumstances or the pressure coming to him. Ministers of God have to cease being moved by politics, financial things or anything. But have to stick to the truth of Bible.
In one of his sermons, apostle Grace Lubega preached about a thing which left my mouth open. He said "Christians are not the people to follow principles of positive thinking but the principles of truth thinking" Yes I got it. I grabbed it. Yes it's true we have to stick to the truth of Bible even though may look a negative thing to others.
God is love. As you get to know more about him, you find you are free of many things. You won't struggle on anything.
I like the Nigerian gospel singer, man of God Dunsin Oyekan. Once when I closed my room and listened his song called "Oh to love you" point by point. I was so amazed as the result I started using it as my meditation song. Some of its rhylics say.
"I went to the father…
I said I need more power
I need more of your fire
And he said to me, what you need is more love…"
Wow, such a powerful song.
You see when the devil wants to keep you as his captive, he makes sure you don't get the knowledge of Christ. Or you get but the adulterated one. The devil is very active to make you not aligning to the statement of Jesus when he said;
John.8.32 - And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Because you can see here, the truth is the gate to freedom.
The enemy before he attacks you, he first looks on how you know God. How you know the principles of Kingdom, the promises and prophesies about yourself the he ways if he will overcome you or not. Because knowledge is your power. Have you read what is communicated in Hosea?
Hos.4.6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
So we have to be equiped well in this area also.
this is another powerful key. At any point we are required to be meditating. But what we maditate? The word of God. The promises, principles and prophesies we find in the Bible we make them part of us by meditating them.
Look on what God told Joshua
Josh.1.8 - This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
There are things we can not do in life if they are not part of us. How can they be part of us? Meditation.
Meditation of the word of God gives extra power even to the prayers we make. It covers the room for the enemy to come and discourage you. Meditation can be conducted in quiet place, during prayers or even any time.
Meditation of the word of God gives extra power even to the prayers we make. It covers the room for the enemy to come and discourage you. Meditation can be conducted in quite place, during prayers or even any time.
Especially for the intercessors are required to be meditators especially when they are praying for the sick. Do not pray plainly. When you are praying make your mind meditate the promises of God. Without that you'll find praying but inside you are meditating in negative way "this condition? I don't know if he will be healed" as the result a person doesn't heal because you meditated in negative way. I insist again, meditation has very strong impact to your prayers so when you pray make sure you maditate according to the truth inside you.
Otherwise you'll be an intercessor who instead of creating life you create death in people.
Any person who has believed in Jesus Christ and baptized in the Holy spirit has the Holy spirit actively working in him/her.
But we have to understand that the Holy spirit communicates to us at any time. And the channels he uses are peace in our spirits, visions, loud voice and even dreams.
What he wants is our discipline to respond to what he talks to us at any time. Just imagine he talked to you something today, you didn't respond, then tomorrow another thing you didn't respond, another day you remained the same, will he give you more instructions?
Look on men of God like Paul and the level of revelations he received. Look on men of God like John.
For the person who have taken the growth journey in faith will agree with me that how God communicates with you and the type of information he gives to you are not the same always. They differ. When you obey, he changes the type of information he give you. At certain level he was maybe giving some instruction about what do in your family, when you obey he reveals some issues about others. You reach the point where he sees your obedience to respond and he starts to reveal things happening or are about to happening the nation. That's greater level. Your obidience will make home take you to navigate and see what is about to happen in the kingdom of God. About the generations and the plan of God on certain issues.
I was interested when I read about Abraham and God. Abraham was such an obidient man that God blessed him than any other man. He(God) even had to discuss issues with Abraham that were about to happen in the world.
Gen.18.17 - And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do;
Look on this verse, God himself denies how could he hide an issue from Abraham?
So the trust of our God to us is on our obidience to what he tells us. I want to insist more on another thing. Not everything God tells you has to be revealed to the public. Some are to be done by yourself. Some are to wait for the right season to be revealed. Some are to be revealed to certain specific people not others. The good thing is that God provides the instructions if are to be revealed he also adds extra information on how, when and to whom.
Once man of God apostle Joshua Selman said "when you see yourself saying everything God has told you, you are still young in spirit"
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